Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Assignment 1-3-6 Hip-Hop Summary

The theories that best relate to my pop culture topic are the stereotypes that surround the artists, and culture as a whole.  I realize that there will be stereotypes everywhere no matter how well we are doing in life.  Stereotypes are based off ignorance and lack of understanding.  Say for instance because I wear a black hooded sweatshirt with the hood pulled up people will look at me as a thug or degenerate. 
Even when I’m driving down the street on a daily basis I’m constantly judged because of the type of vehicle that I drive.  I have constantly had this question posed to me “Are you a drug dealer”?  When I get approached with that question I could react one of two way, I could either laugh it off or I could get offended that someone would ask me that question.  Most of the time I laugh it off and explain to them that I just like having a nice car.  But more often than not people will stereotype me because of that, regardless of the fact that I’m a hard working individual.  So, stereotyping someone regardless if it’s positive or negative has an impact on the way that society views certain individuals.
Some of the most important findings while analyzing my topic were the facts that heroes exist not only in this culture but the viewpoint of the person identifying them as heroes.  People look up to celebrities in such a way that it’s almost envious.  Media chooses to place these individuals on a pedestal.  And to me that’s outlandish.  We have to stay focused on what’s real, and not put so much emphasis on celebrity, because most celebrities aren’t focused on us.  They only portray a certain image because that’s what they do for a living. 
I don’t think any differently than I did before I analyzed this topic; it just shed more light on situations that I didn’t look at before.  I’ve always felt a certain way about this topic, but to give a non-biased analysis was a little difficult.  But it has opened my eyes to different perspectives and viewpoints that I didn’t look at otherwise.

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